Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A New Start

All is right at the Orange Pants Family Farm again.  Just under two weeks ago, EG and I made the trek up to First Farms, LLC. to pick out our new chickens.  The farm was a beautiful sight.  And we had our pick of any of these babies.  They were about 8 weeks old, only 2 weeks younger than our Buffs that we lost, but they were much smaller than our Buffs.

So many to choose from.  EG pretty much wanted one of each.
We decided, in advance, that we were just going to get three and we wanted them to be at least two different colors.  After seeing how big they will actually get, compared to our Bantams, we are glad we made that decision.  I had also done some research on the types of chickens we would be able to choose from and their personalities.  We chose two Barred Rocks (one black and one grey) and one Buff Orpington.

Little did they know how their life was about to change.
It took a few days for the girls to get used to their new home.  I imagine it was quite a change for them.  They were living with 30+ other chickens and now there are three of them.  But they are adjusting well.  They love to explore the backyard, lay in the sun and peck at their flock block.  And the weeds that had grown back inside the coop have since been annihilated.  EG and I were gone all last week and I couldn't wait to see how big they had grown in one week.  And grow they did.  I think they are adjusting just fine.

It took us a while to come up with good names for the new girls.  Coming up with good female trio themes is a little tricky.  So we went a different route this time.  I kept thinking about the fact that two of our girls were Barred Rocks, which made me think maybe of finding good female Rocker names for them, but I also thought about the Flintstones.  So we combined those two themes.  Introducing Barbie and the Rock(er)s.  Barbie is our Buff Orpington and the Rock(er)s names are Betty (black bars) and Wilma (grey bars).

It is so fun to look out in the back yard again and see chickens in our chicken coop.  That was something EOP and I would often remark about when the coop was empty.  We really missed seeing the girls playing and scratching and exploring.